



  • Min. lulusan SMA / SMK / D3 Jurusan Teknik (Teknik mesin diutamakan)
  • Mampu menggunakan Ms Office dan google tools (Word, Excel, Spreedsheet)
  • Mampu manage file dan data dengan baik (sorting, filing, recording files)
  • Tidak buta warna
  • Mempunyai basic skill di bidang teknik printing atau proses printing
  • Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bagian produksi atau engineering
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di area Pabrik, Jatake Tangerang

Main Responsibilities:

  • Sourcing data item packaging
  • Mengelola data supplier
  • Mengelola data NPD
  • Menghandle pengkodean item sample packaging, pengadaan sample, pembayaran hingga kedatangan sample.
  • Menyiapkan sample packaging pengujian fungsional dan visual
  • Melakukan pengukuran, pengujian, pengambilan data dan trial untuk project NPD dan non NPD
  • Mengelola pendataan sampah sampel

MT Product Innovation and Development

Head Office


- Minimum Bachelor (S1) in all major
- Fresh graduates or professionals having 1-2 years of experience (preferably have junior experience at a start-up/beauty company)?
- Maximum 25 years old
- Having a passion for FMCG, especially beauty or wellness lifestyle?
- Analytical and strategic thinking skills, with the ability to identify opportunities for innovation and growth?
- Ability to seize opportunity, courage, and shared purposes, fostering collaboration and collective success.

Main Responsibilities:

- Project management throughout all stages of product development, from idea generation to concept creation and formulation design.
- Regularly update and evaluate products and designs to enhance the portfolio.
- Crafting compelling product narratives based on formulation design and concept.
- Ensuring product quality aligns with high standards.
- Conducting brainstorming sessions for product ideas and concepts.
- Developing product concepts, positioning, claims, pricing, recommended placement channels, and market ambitions.
- Determining the formulation, packaging, and product design using New Product Development (NPD) concepts.
- Crafting engaging product stories to resonate with target audiences.